Vice President, Korea Metaverse Industry Association
Director, Korea Electronics Association
Vice President, 3D Fusion Industry Association
Senior researcher, HL Mando (former)
Ph.D. in Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University
Prof. Emeritus, Department of Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University
Assistant Prof., University of Missouri (former)
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa
BA in Mechanical Design Engineering, Seoul National University
Managing Director/Head Manager, Mirae Asset Securities (former)
Section Manager, Korea Investment & Securities (former)
BA in Psychology, Yonsei University
Senior Researcher, Korea Transportation Safety Authority (former)
Head Researcher, Hyundai Rotem (former)
Completed the Ph.D. course in business administration without dissertation, Hanyang University
MA in Electromechanical Engineering, GIST
Team Leader, CJ CGV Cultureplex Business Team
Deputy Manager, Corporate Relations Office, Korea e-Sports Association (former)
BA/MA in Law, Yonsei University
Head of Smart Mobility
Worked at HME/Keumyang/Hanmae Tech/Lotte E&M
Head of XR
MA in Automotive Engineering Kookmin University
3D Graphics Engine Development Team Leader
Worked at Mgame/ Digital Seonil/ HanWool ICI (former)
MA in Digital Information Industry, Seojong University
Representative of XR Public Project
lieutenant colonel, Republic of Korea Navy (former)
MA in Defense M&S, Hannam University
MA in Defense Acquisition Management, Hannam University
MA in Computer and Information Science, Korea National Defense University
BA in Business Administration (Industrial Engineering), Navy Academy
Representative of Virtual Training Project
Beyond 3D/ Model Sim / Cho Hyun General Development (former)
MA in Aerospace Engineering, Sejong University
KIBO (former)
MA, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Seoul
Dean, Graduate School of Metaverse, Sogang University
Head of Future Strategy Team, Cheongwadae (former)
President, Korea VR Industry Association (former)
Member of the National Economy Presidential Advisory
Ph.D. in Telecommunications, Temple University
BA/MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sogang University
Lawyer/Partner, Yoon & Yang LLP
Legal Adviser to the City of Gangyang, Jeonnam Development Corp.
Adjunct Professor, Kyunghee Law School (former)
MA in Political Science, Graduate School of Seoul National University
BA in Political Science, Seoul National University
Aaron Levie is Chief Executive Officer, Cofounder at Box, which he launched in 2005 with CFO and cofounder Dylan Smith. He is the visionary behind the Box product and platform strategy, incorporating the best of secure content collaboration with an intuitive user experience suited to the way people work today. Aaron leads the company in its mission to transform the way people and businesses work so they can achieve their greatest ambitions. He has served on the Board of Directors since April 2005.
Aaron attended the University of Southern California from 2003 to 2005 before leaving to found Box.
컬러 시스템은 이노시뮬레이션의 시각적 이미지를 전달하는 중요한 요소로 일관성 있는 이미지 구축을 위하여 지정된 색상을 통일성 있게 사용해야 한다.
예시된 색상 규정을 기준으로 매체에 맞게 적용해야 한다. 색상 규정은 세계적인 표준색상집인 팬톤컬러를 기준으로 하며 4원색 기준과 RGB 색상 기준을 참고하여 정확하게 표현하여야 한다.
색상은 적용매체나 바탕색을 고려해 적절한 색상의 시그니처 또는 심볼마크를 선택 활용하도록 한다.
이때, 시그니처 고유의 이미지가 훼손되지 않게 예시된 조합을 토대로 포지티브나 네거티브 방식에서 선택하여 활용할 수 있다.
이미지 위에 시그니처를 적용할 경우 시각적 대비가 명확해야 한다.
밝은 이미지 배경위에는 어두운 색상을, 어두운 이미지 배경 위에는 밝은 색상으로 적용한다.